Faculty of Business

The Faculty of Business Provides Exciting business educational opportunities for students. Being established in 1993 Faculty of Business has become one of the pioneer business faculties in Jordan and region.

Faculty Of Business

Faculty History

The Faculty of Business at Al-Zaytoonah University was founded in the 1993-1994 scholastic year. Today we are recognized as innovators in business education and research. Our teaching staff and alumni play a key role in enhancing understanding, offering insights and sharing foresights about fundamental business forces that shape our regional and global environment. The Intellectual Capital of our Faculty is a distinguishing feature of all our programs. We have created a culture built on integrity and team work. Upon graduation, our students have the scientific and practical knowledge needed to aid in the growth of the community for a better life.
The Faculty of Business Departments are comprised of: Business Administration, Accounting, Finance and Banking, Marketing, Management Information Systems (MIS), and these departments were developed with consideration of the job opportunities available locally, regionally and internationally, and by benchmarking with other distinguished international universities. Creative thinking, problem solving and research are central to the academic programs. Upon graduation, the student receives a bachelor’s degree in one of these specializations and is prepared for a professional career.
The Faculty of Business at Al-Zaytoonah University is managed with a team spirit. With that in mind, the Faculty has a board, consisting of the Dean, Department Heads, and an outside representative, which meet regularly to discuss and coordinate issues pertaining to their different programs. Our Faculty members have high levels of expertise and experience. Teaching staff members foster an environment of learning and select techniques that challenge students. Committed to excellence and sensitive to the impact of managerial policies on society, The Faculty integrates teaching and research. The Faculty continues to retain and attract excellent teaching staff to increase and enhance the education process needed for the new specializations in the world of globalization.
With a strong tradition of providing quality education, we provide a focused and carefully considered curriculum that builds on work ethics and integrity. The curriculum is updated to meet the requirements in the new work place as well as other established Arab and international universities.
With the increased importance of Quality Assurance and research, to ensure excellence in teaching, The Faculty has embraced the technological revolution. The Deanship, with the full support of the University Administration and Board of trustees, has introduced computerization into course outlines and requirements. The Deanship continues to investigate closing the gap between course outlines of the different specializations, and the job requirements in the market place; accordingly, The Deanship has introduced an Accounting program to be taught completely in English. The Deanship has also introduced courses in other specializations, traditionally taught in Arabic, to be taught in English. This ensures that upon graduation our students are better prepared to meet the demands of the new workplace.
We, at Al-Zaytoonah Faculty of Business, are proud to have participated, and continue to participate, in internal Quality Assessment conducted by The Hussein fund for excellence and The British and American Quality Associations. In the year 2003, we received the required passing grade for The Department of Business Administration. In the year 2004, the Department participated again and received a grade of excellence (21 Out Of 24). In the year 2006, The Accounting Program participated in the evaluation of its programs which included: student support and counseling, teaching resources, student benefits and advancement, and curriculum design.
Al-Zaytoonah University Faculty of Business has participated in the government achievement exam administered by The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. We are proud to be the only University in Jordan to have received the rank of first place in the marketing program for the 2nd semester of 2005/2006 and 1st semester 2006/2007. We received first place, overall, between The Private Universities of Jordan in both the Business Administration and Accounting Programs, and have received the second place position in The Finance and Banking Program. We are proud of these results which are due to the expertise and support of our distinguished teaching staff and the efforts of our dedicated students. The Faculty also received the first rank in all its Scientific Departments among all the public and private Jordanian Universities at the intermediate level for the first semester of the academic year 2015/2016 in the government achievement exam. In addition, The Faculty of Business got a proficiency degree as well advanced levels in the academic year 2016/2017 and the academic year 2017/2018 in most specialties. We are proud of these results which are due to the expertise and unique contributions of our distinguished teaching staff, and the efforts and effective respond of our dedicated students with the teaching staff.
The Faculty held 16 Scientific Conferences in the fields of Management, Business, Accounting, Marketing, Finance, Tourism and Management Information Systems from the academic year 2000/2001 to the academic year 2016/2107.