كلية الأعمال

توفر كلية الأعمال فرصًا تعليمية مذهلة للطلاب
تم تأسيسها في عام 1993 أصبحت كلية الأعمال واحدة من كليات الأعمال الرائدة في الأردن والمنطقة

كلية الأعمال

مختبرات الحاسوب

Inspired by the tremendous advances in the field of Information Technology (IT), and in an endeavor to integrate IT in the various economic and business disciplines, the Faculty of business has brought into application IT inputs to ensure the highest quality output in terms of teaching and research efforts. All Faculty departments are currently utilizing the latest technologies in the teaching process and has been able to render quality services to the teaching staff and students alike.

At the Faculty of Business there are currently seven computer labs that are available for use in teaching and research by all departments. A number of highly relevant soft wares are being practically applied to real business cases covering all business disciplines taught by various departments. Additionally, the latest Microsoft operating software programs are used with an open access to international information networks and search engines, thus enabling students to communicate with their colleagues worldwide. The Faculty labs are used for teaching and instruction of courses requiring practical application such as e-business, e-marketing, e-commerce, data analysis, computer programming, systems analysis and other office applications.

Internet facilities and services are available so that each member of the teaching staff and students can benefit from the wealth of IT, the age of the Internet and the digital economy. The Internet facilities are used for research & development, managing projects and updating information. The Faculty is determined to ensure the highest quality of teaching and research through the most optimal utilization of the latest technological advances within various business fields.